The Perfect Thing, A Signal Bend Short.

If all of you are a Signal Bend fan like myself you will love these short stories by Susan Fanetti to help us keep in touch with all our friends in Signal Bend!

perfect thing


A Signal Bend Short

by Susan Fanetti



… Look to your science again
Where it is written: the more a thing is perfect
The more it feels of pleasure and of pain.

Dante, Inferno, Canto VI


 Note: This story takes place during Chapters 17-19 of Show the Fire (Signal Bend 6). There are spoilers here, then, for that book and perhaps all the books preceding it.


Lilli stood in the Hall, a shotgun cradled in her arms, and watched Isaac walk out the front door, trailed by the scant remains of the Horde: Tommy, Zeke, and Dom.

He’d simply walked past her, shrugging her touch away as she’d tried to stop him, or at least to slow him, to talk to him. He’d walked past her, into the night, straight into the fire.


She jerked her arm away from…

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